Effectiveness evaluation technique for ground automated control functioning of a spacecraft

Information and measuring and control systems


Kolpin M. A., Protsenko P. A.*, Slashchev A. V.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: prosvka@gmail.com


The absence of common methodological base for functioning efficiency evaluation and capabilities of Ground Automated Control Complex (GACC) makes practically impossible the procedure of scientific study and evaluation of various options for its development and introduction of advanced unified spacecraft management tools.

The results of scientific and methodological ground-based activities applicability analysis from the viewpoint of an individual spacecraft GCC evaluation capabilities, revealed the difficulties in estimation GACC overall efficiency.

Thus, it becomes urgent to develop alternative approaches to estimating the GACC effectiveness, allowing obtain estimates of GACC’s operating efficiency indicators based on composition, structure and parameters of the Orbital Constellation (OG) of space crafts, as well as the requirements and limitations of spacecraft control technology.

Spacecraft GACC functioning efficiency estimation method was designed for this purpose. It allows obtaining rational GACC structures for controlling spacecraft OG and evaluating their implementation effectiveness.

The developed method demonstrates several advantages over the existing conventional approach, such as:

– The ability to plan collaborative control operations in automatic mode;

– The plans obtained using the conventional approach do not always meet the required sequence order of control operations, unlike the plans prepared using the developed method;

– Сomputation speed with the proposed method is 1.5 times higher than with the existing approach.

The proposed method can be implemented in the following cases:

– Computations for spacecraft GACC functioning effectiveness assessing t in various conditions, performed at stages of a long-term and operational planning of its resources employing;

– Prospective composition spacecraft GACC evaluation capacity and advanced spacecraft control technology studies;

– The study of various kinds of requirements for both in general (GACC) and in particular (spacecraft);

– Justification trends in spacecraft GACC development and improvement.


Ground Automatic Control Complex, spacecraft, efficiency, technology management cycle


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