Non-uniformity (of capacitive type) effect on a waveguide Ka waveband filter frequency response in case of adjustment elements made of conducting material replacement by elements made of dielectric material

Antennas, SHF-devices and technologies


Lobachev N. Y.

Kompany «Radiofizika», 10, Geroev-Panfilovcev Str., Moscow, 125363, Russia



With reference of constantly growing demand for radar installations of new generation implementation, the issue of meeting the strict requirements to SHF-devices becomes quite topical. Filters play one of the key roles practically in every navigation or communication system.

The main functions of the filters consist in ensuring:

‒ pass-band in the specified frequency band;

‒ necessary suppression level;

− low level of insertion losses;

− specified amplitude-frequency response.

The main purpose of the research is consists in comparison of influence of heterogeneity (capaciti character) on filter skirt. Two ways of setting of the waveguide filter has been presented.

The presented paper focuses on studying the procedure of waveguide SFR-filter of Ka waveband tuning. The filter key parameters while tuning are as follows: its characteristic conformance to specification requirements and total tuning time, which is especially up-to-date at mass production. To ensure these parameters at conventional tuning metal screws are used. These screws present a non-uniformity (of capacitive type) for cavity links matching adjustment. The presented study suggests innovative solution in this sphere, which consists in metal screws substitution by fluoroplastic ones. It is associated with some key specifics of this material. It is noteworthy that in the framework of this research thermo- and vibro-strength test were carried out. These tests present an important criterion, warranting the features stability of the tuned unit. The assumption that by material substitution we will manage not only cut the time of waveguide filter tuning, but also ensure the more qualitative frequency response were substantiated experimentally. Moreover, while working on this problem the accessory for convenience in this procedure realization was developed.

Thus, the presented work presents complex comparison of the obtained parameters, complexity and time component of the two variants of waveguide filters tuning procedure.


waveguide band-pass filter, microwave filter of KA of range, filter tuning, implementation of dielectric elements for waveguide filter fine tuning, device for filter setup, non-uniformity effect on resonator links coordination


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