Selection principles of prospective technologies for life support system of interplanetary manned spacecraft

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Kurmazenko E. A.1*, Kochetkov A. A.1**, Proshkin V. Y.1***, Kiryushin O. V.2****, Pushkar' O. D.2*****

1. Scientific Research and Design Institute of Chemical Engineering, NIIchimmash, 14, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya str., Moscow, 127015, Russia
2. Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



Solution of certain partial problems of ensuring the crew life and activities cannot be regarded as a process of creation of an interplanetary manned vehicle ecological-engineering system development. Such system is designed for long-term manned missions to the planets of the Solar system, in which rather complex interaction of separate elements and products serve as initial materials to ensure functioning of the other in abiotic part of the of ecological-engineering system — integrated life-support system.

The determinants of the of integrated life-support system development are space mission program, the type of interplanetary manned vehicle, characteristics of interfaces with onboard systems and its technological structure.

The goal of this paper consists in developing selection principles of advanced technologies for integrated life-support system for long-term space missions design, with account for current design constraints.

The paper considers natural morphological classification of the technologies based on the following attributing features. These features represent crew metabolism products ‒ a form of energy and primary power services for transformation processes, produced by components of the crew habitat; a special technology and formulated efficiency factors for integrated life-support system technology selection, reflecting its properties as a complex integrated system and features of the considered technologies.

The basic principles of technology selection and the list of critical technologies for integrated life-support system of interplanetary manned vehicle developing are formed.


integrated life-support system, technological structure, interplanetary manned vehicle, initial synthesis problem, crew, efficiency model, system approach the design


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