Peculiarities of Analysis of Space and Rocket Structural Units’ Loading Based on Results of Telemetry Information Processing

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles
Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia
Algorithms are discussed for loads and stress analysis of space and rocket technology articles’ structural units in conditions when direct measurements of dynamic impacts are absent but there are available readings of recorded structure response parameters which are characteristics of external loading conditions. The problems discussed are divided in three groups and at each of them an impact may be characterized by:
— deterministic quasi-static behavior, at that measured kinematic parameters include separating signal components, which characterize displacement of a structure as a solid;
— deterministic behavior, at that its temporal characteristics correlate with vibration frequencies of a structural unit;
— random behavior distributed over space, and measurement results are structural responses with account of dynamic character at a wide frequency range.
General idea of the algorithms consists in determination of external loading through mathematical processing of telemetry data using equations of motion and further integration of these equations with known right-hand member for estimation of internal load factors and mode of deformation at examined structural units.
The dynamic models used possess high dimensionality, and force impacts to be restored ‑ long duration. Here high computational recourses are required for operation calculations on decision-making and for statistical computations (with varied structural parameters or external loading characteristics). This defines requirements on computational speed of devising algorithms, which are realized in the program complex developed.
The results’ reliability is provided by fulfillment of requirements imposed on high degree of dynamic models’ adequacy to full-scale structures. Quality of inverse problem solution (restored impact) in all cases is estimated by agreement of parameters telemetered (measured in tests) with calculation results on these parameters obtained through the dynamic models with restored force impact.
Special attention is paid to identification of dissipative characteristics, which influence significantly on restored time dependences of loading and stress parameters at structural units.
The program complex was developed basing on suggested algorithms and it was used for loads analysis of structural units of launch vehicles, International Space Station and at liquid-propellant engine firing tests.
loads, mode of deformation, external loading, telemetry information, dynamic modelsReferences
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