Experimental methods of increasing the ablation pulse plasma thrusters specific characteristics

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
*, *, *Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: riame@sokol.ru
In this paper, we study the prospects for improving the mass-dimension characteristics of ablative pulsed plasma thrusters (APPT) designed for small spacecraft (SSC) weighing up to 1000 kg. The urgency of this direction development arises from connection with the needing of high-efficiency electric propulsion systems (EPS) of low thrust. It should combining low mass and power consumption with a large resource and total thrust impulse.
One of the promising areas is the creation of EPS based on ablative pulse plasma engines (APPT). Prospective increased resource propulsion system should have significant reserves of working fluid and autonomous systems for their storage and supply, through which temporary reconciliation between the energy supply and the mass acceleration into the discharge channel can be. The also necessary parameters are the space propulsion system mass decreasing, the accelerating channel geometry invariance, as well as stability and high specific characteristics during the entire life of the thruster.
The most studied version of the APPT is rail-type, with solid dielectric plates. We experimentally investigate its characteristics in this paper.
The most important for the EPS practical application are such characteristics as the thrust total impulse PΣ, which determines the SSC characteristic speed, the power consumption N and the EPS total mass, including the mass of the power processing unit (PPU).
Currently, the direction emergence problematic assessment was investigated. The possibilities of reducing the mass of the APPT are considered by using new plasma acceleration schemes like channels with an asymmetric discharge. The characteristics of the best pulse thruster flight prototype samples are presented as the result of laboratory experimental testing. The test equipment brief description and the measurement error is giveto assess the error of the results. The main problems that have arisen during the development of new laboratory samples of APPT are considered. In the short term, it is possible to reduce the total mass of the APPT by approximately 15%, using the obtained results.
small spacecraft, ablation pulse plasma thruster, improvement of mass-dimension characteristicsReferences
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