Computational-experimental studies of tail rotor characteristics at helicopter yawing rotation mode

Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles


Leont'ev V. A.1*, Krymskii V. S.2**, Ignatkin Y. M.2***, Makeev P. V.****

1. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In this paper, the computational-experimental studies results of the tail rotor (TR) aerodynamic characteristics at the helicopter yawing rotation mode, at hover are shown.

The experimental studies have been carried out by using the experimental model, developed in TsAGI. The experimental model main rotor (MR) diameter DMR=2,5 m, the tail rotor diameter DTR=0,586 m. The computational studies have been carried out using two models: the helicopter mathematical model, developed by TsAGI and the non-linear blade vortical model of a rotor, created by «Helicopter Design» department of MAI.

The computational-experimental relationships between the tail rotor thrust coefficient Сt and a yaw angular velocity ωу of the helicopter model showed, that for small values of the tail rotor pitch about φTR=3,8º an increase of ωу resulted in Сt increase, however starting from the tail rotor pitch φTR=9,2º and higher, the coefficient Сt decreased. The experimental results confirm the analytical and the mathematical modeling results in the paper [10].

Analysis of the computational-experimental studies results showed that when the angular velocity ωу is growing TR blades are subjected to high Coriolis forces in addition to aerodynamic forces. Coriolis forces have different direction from one side of the TR to the other and therefore, flapping motion of the TR is increasing. By reaching some rotation rate ωу, one side of the TR goes beyond stall, hence the TR thrust ceases to increase. On the other side of the TR blades angles of attack decrease reducing the total TR thrust.

The computational relationships Сt=f(ωу) and mk=f(ωу) of the TR at the helicopter yawing rotation mode with the MR are in general agreement with the experimental results. They show that the MR vortex wake insignificantly affects on the TR aerodynamic characteristics.


single-rotor helicopter, hover, yawing rotation, main rotor, tail rotor, interference of rotors, experiment, computational studies


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