Angular movement of a passenger aircraft while lift-off from the runway

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Markin N. N.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The workload of the pilot while takeoff is extremely high. Thus, an aircraft decision speed V1 is defined for particular take-off conditions. After reaching the decision speed, V1, the aircraft keeps on accelerating until the rotation speed, VR, is reached. At this moment, the aircraft nose is lifted.

The angular movement of an aircraft on take-off is considered atypical, if a pilot cannot lift the nose wheel and perform the take-off at the estimated speed. Thus, the situation when negative pitching moment is greater than its expected value may create prerequisites for flight accidents. The equal situation may occur when wing’s icing reduces the lift, and the error in determining the aircraft alignment increases the diving moment and other factors. A pilot can use stabilizer to increase the positive pitching moment.

The pilot can use stabilizer to increase the positive pitching moment. The angular movement dynamics in this case is considered after the aircraft takeoff to analyze the stalling at a large angle of attacks.

The state space system describes the aircraft angular motion and actuators of stabilizer and elevator. The linear quadratic regulators are used for the given two-input linear system. The simulation reveals possibility of stalling at large attack angle with negative pitching moment, if braking force is greater than its expected value.


aircraft, takeoff, angular movement, control, elevator, stabilizer, stalling, analytic design of optimal regulator


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