Background and target situation forming method for special optronic systems of missile and space purpose

Optical and optical-electronic devices and complexes


Bogdanov I. V.*, Velichko A. N.**

Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau, 8, Vvedenskogo str., Moscow, 117342, Russia



Solution of the tasks given in the work proposed developing of the background and target situation (BTS) forming method for special optronic systems of missile and space purpose in wide range (from UV to long-wave IR region) that are used in defense and research goals, practical implementation of the method to confirm the correctness of selected schematic circuit, as well.

BTS is formed in optronic devices field of view to solve integrated task enabled to conduct different tests types including: reliability testing of single or one of group objects autodetection during background lateral noise simulation of entrance pupil; estimate of characteristics accuracy (for example, constant and random errors of angular deviation measuring); checking of different algorithms of an object under observation selection (spectral, spatial, trajectory and other characteristics).

First part of the work analyses current methods and modes of BTS forming. It is examined both national and foreign experience, marked out main advantages and shortcomings of implemented methods, given their schematic circuits, as well.

Second part of the work considers realization of BTS forming methods for optronic device as benches on the base of Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau laboratory. It is presented structural assemblies and elements, optical schematic circuits, software for the benches control and testing procedure.

The result of the done work is the ultimate method of BTS forming for optronic devices of space and missile purpose that is realized in special benches and enables to reduce optronic devices development expenses due to operability tryout in laboratory environment and to improve the devices quality before space launch.


stand, background and target situation, optoelectronic, infrared, measurements


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