Algorithm of data exchange via digital data-link “Ground-to-Board-to-Ground”

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Samartsev N. S.*, Kolotilov E. D.**, Koshelev B. V.***

Moscow Institute of Electro-mechanics and Automatics, 5, Aviation Lane, Moscow, 125319, Russia



During last two decades the dramatic growth of air traffic intensity in civil aviation was continuously increasing the workload on the air traffic service (ATS) controllers and the flight crews of the aircraft. This problem was becoming critical and affected the flight safety, especially in terminal airspace.

According the CNS/ATM concept improving the efficiency and safety of the modern air traffic management (ATM) system can be achieved through the development and implementation of advanced information technologies and air traffic procedures.

One of the most promising technologies recommended by ICAO is the automation of the process of information exchange between aircraft and air traffic control (ATC) centers. For its implementation, modern and prospective flight management systems (FMS) should have a new functional capability such as to support communication via data-link “ground-to-air-to-ground”.

As a part of the work on creation of a prospective FMS, an algorithm which allows the generation and processing of data-link messages was developed. The structure of the algorithm was presented in the paper. The concrete algorithm for the flight plan data exchange via the data link “ground-to-air-to-ground” was made in the form of the FMS software module, which is a complete module that allows it to be easily integrated into the software architecture of other FMS.

For debugging purposes a simulator of the communication management unit data was developed.

The algorithm of a flight plan data exchange via data-link «ground-to-board-to-ground» was successfully tested in the modelling laboratory of MIEA. All work was performed under appropriate standards ARINC 429,ARINC 702A-3, and ARINC 619.


data link, flight plan, data exchange, situation awareness, communication management unit, automation


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  4. Manual of Air Traffic Services Data Link Applications. Doc. 9694-AN/995. Montreal, ICAO, 1999, 212 p.

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