Effect of averaging method of solid propellant power plant operating parameters on acoustic vibrations damping factor

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Kuroedov A. A.*, Borisov D. M.**

Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia

*e-mail: kuroedov@kerc.msk.ru
**e-mail: borisovdm62@mail.ru


The article deals with studying the work process stability in a solid propellant power plant (SPPP) chambers with respect to small pressure perturbations. The research method is based on the energy approach, which allows evaluate the gas flow stability, comparing the disturbances energy inflow and outflow. The aim of this study is the analysis of the two time averaging methods of the SPPP chamber parameters – simplified time averaging widely used in the foreign studies of the SPPP stability (No 1), and common time averaging (No 2). The analysis is based on calculations of the first longitudinal acoustic mode oscillations damping factor for the three types SPPP chambers for various applications with tubular grain.

The acoustic disturbances in steady incompressible gas flow propagating in a cylindrical channel with permeable walls are considered. The first oscillation longitudinal mode damping factor is determined with averaging small isentropic perturbation energy equation over the chamber volume and time.

The damping factor as a function of the tubular grain radius of the three SPPP types calculated by two time averaging methods was obtained through computational experiment.

It was found that for all SPPPs under consideration the work process in combustion chamber is more stable while using averaging No 1 to averaging No 2. The greatest difference was observed for the small-scale SPPP. Relative divergences for small-scale, mid-size and large SSSPs are 61%, 32% and 26% correspondingly.

According to the performed studies, a conclusion was made that the time averaging No 2 is more suitable for practical calculations.


acoustic instability, energy method, damping factor, time averaging


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