Analysis of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles used by special operations forces of the United States of America

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Novak K. V.1*, Oleshko V. S.2**, Starikova I. O.1***, Toforov M. S.1****

1. Main research and testing center for robotics Ministry of Defense of the Russian , 5, ul. Seregina, Moscow, 125167, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



As effective military instruments, used to amplify its political and military influence abroad, mainly in third world countries, the USА is considering special operations forces.

One of the actively used in recent years, the types of weapons the special operations forces of the USА are the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles, which, in order to enhance the effectiveness of special operations forces, capable of solving the following main tasks:

– obtaining in advance, or constantly in the course of warfare intelligence information about the enemy by its transfer on control points in real time;

the results of targeting on mobile, time-critical and again you manifest to order to command posts, aircraft, ships, and weapons outfitted with equipment retarget in-flight (cruise missiles, sea- and air-based);

– jamming weapons and retransmission signals;

– defeat of enemy on call of duty provisions in the air or on the ground.

Armed forces special operations United States at present-presence of the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles of various ranges from multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles long range reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles of small and middle range.

Currently, units of the special operations forces of the USA successfully used the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles RQ-11 “Raven” and the RQ-14 “Dragon eye”, “Puma” and “WASP AE”, PD-100 “Black Hornet”.

On the basis of the conducted analysis of tactical complexes of the special operations forces of the USА and considered international experience, it is possible to argue that the Armed forces of the Russian Federation:

– is the actual application of tactical complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of tactical units and special operations forces;

– is it appropriate to conduct scientific research in the development of miniature unmanned aerial vehicles as a component of the advanced equipment of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation;

– is it appropriate to conduct scientific research in the field of combating tactical complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles a potential enemy.


complex, unmanned aircraft, special operations forces, weapons, basic requirements, performance characteristics


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