Unitized ultra-broadband system for helicopters’ individual passive protection

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
*, **Central Scientific Research Radiotechnical Institute name of the academician A.I. Berg, 20, Novaya Basmannaya, 105066, Russia
*e-mail: m1cro4nn@mail.ru
**e-mail: myrlaga_olga@mail.ru
The article discusses passive jamming systems development allowing decrease helicopter signature from prospective observation and guidance facilities in infrared, laser and visible centimeter wavelength ranges. The standard ejection unit, as a part of modern helicopters configuration and meant for false thermal targets jettison, was taken as a basis of the suggested system. The false thermal targets ensure signature reduction only within the infrared wavelength range. Thus, the authors suggest supplementing the standard ejection unit with special ammunition to form the cloud (screen) of volume-distributed composition from nano-structured carbon material (technical carbon of “Veil” brand). While furnishing the standard unit, the volume of the chamber, containing the powder, in the suggested ammunition will be 58.9 cm3. With bulk density of 195 kg/m3 of technical carbon of “Veil” brand the weight of powder contained in the chamber is 11.5 g. The number of the ejected ammunition ensuring the cloud (screen) formation depends on the helicopter type, as well as the types of observation and guidance facilities, weather conditions etc. The efficiency of the suggested engineering solutions was confirmed by the results of laboratory and actual test. These results revealed that a) the transmission factor of the technical carbon of “Veil” brand varies within the range of 7% to 15% within the above pointed wavelengths range; b) the absorption of about 85% is reached with technical carbon concentration of 25·10-4 g/ml; c) with technical carbon concentration increase the absorption factor increases either.
The system suggested in the article is able to ensure effective protection of helicopters from prospective observation and guidance facilities due to its wide spectral range and unique electrodynamic properties the technical carbon of “Veil” brand. Further studies will include model developing and experimental studies related to the particles’ distribution of the technical carbon of “Veil” brand particles in the cloud (screen) depending on ejection conditions.
ammunition, helicopter protection, volume-distributed formation, passive jamming, signature reduction, technical carbon, radar cross sectionReferences
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