The research on influence of manipulator type and kind of control signal on pilot-aircraft system characteristics

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Efremov A. V.*, Alexandrov V. V.*, Valerov K. V.*

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Two types of possible feel system are considered. One of them is the displacement sensing where the signal transmitted to flight control system is proportional to the stick displacement. The other one is the force sensing where the output from the manipulator is proportional to the force. The analysis of pilot model taking into account two loops in neuromuscular system demonstrated the potentiality of the force sensing type of the feel system in decrease of the phase delay in pilot describing function. The ground-based simulation was carried out for the exposition of feel system types effects. For that purpose the pitch and roll tracking tasks were executed for the different controlled element dynamics, stick stiffness, for the side and central sticks. The experiments demonstrated that usage of the force sensing type of the feel system causes the decrease of pilot phase frequency response characteristics for all investigated variables. The effect is higher for the controlled element dynamics with improved flying qualities and smaller manipulator stick stiffness. The phase delay was decreased up to 120 deg in longitudinal channel and up to 140 deg in lateral channel. The increase of the spring stiffness decreases this effect up to 50÷700 in lateral and longitudinal channels. The usage of force sensing type of feel system causes the decrease of variance of error up 40÷700 in the both channel. Such effects took place for the side and central sticks too. The experiments demonstrated that in lateral channel pilot generates higher phase delay in comparison with longitudinal channel especially for the case of dynamics with deteriorated flying qualities.


pilot-aircraft system, manipulator pilot frequency response characteristics, neuromuscular system


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