Solution of a problem on object’s type recognition based on antennae's directional pattern as a feature

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Korolev V. O., Gudaev R. A.*, Kulikov S. V., Aldohina V. N.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The goal of the article consists in object type recognition algorithm developing, based on antennae system’s direction pattern.

To achieve this goal the authors suggest the distance function use, which determines the difference between various radiation pattern cuts of the antennae systems. The decision-making on the type of the object under recognition is performed using Student criterion. The algorithm proposed in the article allows the object recognition performing based on directional diagrams with the ability of the significance level variation. Based on the presented data, the authors draw inference on the possibility of the object type recognition problem solution by applying the directional pattern of the antennae system, constructed according to the measurement results, as a recognition feature.

The proposed algorithm allows perform the object type recognition based on antennae directional pattern, constructed according to the measurement results. The problem is topical, notwithstanding the difficulties associated with multiple beam structure of directional patterns of antennae systems. Addition of new recognition features allows describe the object in more details and increase the probability of the object recognition correctness according to features aggregate.


directional pattern, recognition, features, significance level, hypothesis


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