Analysis of avionics' blocks placement on the aircraft of various types

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Klyagin V. A.*, Petrov I. A.**, Shkurin M. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Avionics’ layout on a modern aircraft is a complex engineering task. A quality solution to this problem currently became potentially possible by using PC. However, at this moment, existing application programs are based on heuristic methods [1, 6, 7] or on analytical solution [4, 5] of the problem. They are still not widely used. One reason for this is the lack of information about the patterns of avionics’ distribution. Statistical analysis will highlight patterns that will become the basis of new methodology. Statistics will clarify the existing methods as well.

The first necessary step for the analysis -is gathering information on the layout diagrams of aircrafts in context of avionics’ placement. Combat aircraft of the second half of the twentieth century were studied. The most common source was the photos of real aircraft, showing the avionics (e. g. open avionics bays).

Next step consisted in calculating the total number of items of avionics with the differentiation of the installation type. This work assumes the following types of installation:

  • Single mounting;

  • Single racks;

  • On the frames or multiple racks.

Thus, the article presents the analysis of the avionics’ placement on combat aircraft of the second half of the XX century according to the installation type for the various classes and the date of the first flight. The results show that for all classes of the aircraft, the vast number of blocks were arranged on the shelves. Single mounted makes approximately 9.5% of the components. Only two out of the 35 types dominated by point installation. Also seen a number of patterns such as on devices with smaller dimension is slightly higher relative number of blocks with a single installation. Based on the work a conclusion was made that for the automated layout method development it is useful to represent the location of the avionics in the planes.


  1. Pashchenko O.B. Komponovka oborudovaniya manevrennogo samoleta na baze matrichno-topologicheskogo metoda (Equipment Layout on maneuvering aircraft based on matrix-topological method). Doctor`s thesis, Moscow, MAI, 1991, 131 p.

  2. Korpusa blokov i montazhnye ustroistva samoletnoi radioelektronnoi apparatury. GOST 23701-79 (Blocks’ cases and mounting devices for aircraft electronic equipment, State Standard 23701-79), Moscow, Standarty, 1979, 22 p.

  3. Konstruktsii vtorogo i tret’ego urovnei bortovykh aviatsionnykh radioelektronnykh sredstv. GOST 26765.16-87 (Constructions of the second and third levels of the airborne radio-electronic means, State Standard 26765.16-87), Moscow, Standarty, 1987, 22 p.

  4. Stoyan Yu.G Kulish, E.N. Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya komponovki oborudovaniya LA (Design automation of aircraft equipment layout), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1984, 192 p.

  5. Gavrilov V.N. Avtomatizirovannaya komponovka pribornykh otsekov letatel’nykh apparatov (Automated layout of aircraft instrument bays), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1988, 136 p.

  6. Mal’chevskii V.V. Matrichno-topologicheskii metod sinteza skhemy i komponovki samoleta (Matrix-topological method for the synthesis of aircraft schemes and layout), Moscow, MAI, 2011, 356 p.

  7. N’i N.Kh., Markin L.V., Sosedko A.A. Trudy MAI, 2014, no.72. available at:

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