Experimental means development for pressure receivers' calibration

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Afanas'ev V. A.1*, Monakhova V. P.2**, Muhina S. D.3***, Versin A. A.1, Nazyrova O. R.1****, Bolkhovitin M. S.1*****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,
3. Lyulka Desing Bureau, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia

*e-mail: vaa96@mail.ru
**e-mail: monakhova.v.p@mail.ru
***e-mail: Svetlana.mukhina@okb.umpo.ru
****e-mail: norton_07@mail.ru
*****e-mail: brakoner@list.ru


The article presents the results of the structural components' development of the experimental workbench for calibration of receivers of total and static pressures in the jet of a gas flow. The speed range of the controlled gas flow at the subsonic nozzle edge is regulated from λс = 0.3 to λс = 1.0. The necessity of this workbench development is associated with the fact, that pressure receivers' designs are developed individually for various placement locations along the path of the gas turbine engine compressor.

The basic requirements that had to be met while the development of the stand are as follows

                         –  The relative velocity of the gas stream λ in the placement of the receiving holes of the comb should be measured with an accuracy of ±0,01;

                         – The numerical values of the pressures in the pneumatic circuits of the comb should be stay within ± 0,3% of measured values;

                         – The linear and angular positioning parameters of the receiving holes of the comb under study should be determined with an accuracy of ±1 mm and ±0.5 degrees respectively.

The following calculations were performed in this work:

                         – Calculation of the subsonic nozzle profile;

                         – Design of the diffuser.

Calculation of the subsonic nozzle profile allows obtaining a controlled airflow at the outlet with a uniform velocity value in the cutoff of the nozzle. The pointing device allowing the smooth movement of the inlet orifice of the studied receiver with the possibility of speed adjustment, and position it on the geometric axis of the nozzle, as well as change the angle between the flow velocity vector and the axis of the inlet orifice within the limits of ± 45° in the tangential and meridian planes.

The article also presents a calculation of the diffuser design meant for for converting the kinetic energy of the flow into static pressure.


calibration workbench, pressures inlets, nozzle, receiver, diffuser, pointing device


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