Engineering of Aircraft Demonstrator

Innovative technologies in aerospace activities


Sypalo K. I.1*, Medvedskiy A. L.2**, Babichev O. V.1***, Kazarinov G. G.1****, Kan A. V.1*****

1. National Research Center "Zhukovsky Institut", 1, Zhukovsky str, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
2. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia



The article presents the methodology for creating demonstrators of technologies in aircraft building, based on the harmonization and use of the existing system of national standards.

As one of the mechanisms of realization of a control system of research works, it is supposed to use a scale of assessment of technology readiness level. The technology readiness level scale is taken as a basis for gradation of development stages of new technologies by many departments and the organizations, both in the USA, and in some other countries. The classification used reflects a condition of research programs depending on the current technologies readiness level that simplifies control for developers and customers control over the course of research works and the choice of the technologies, most ready for industrial introduction.

The scale of technology readiness level represents the formalized assessment of degree of the technologies maturity for practical use when developing from the idea to a prototype of the complete system tested in the conditions close to real.

On the grounds of the system engineering tools which are based on the formalization of measurements of technologies readiness levels, and use of the existing national standards base — state standard specifications — the methodology of creation the technologies demonstrators of technologies in aircraft industry has been offered.

The presented methodology of creation of technologies demonstrators in aircraft industry solves a problem of integration of the existing system of national standards with the world practice of quantitative and quality standard of the developed technologies.

Harmonization of standards on carrying out research and development with world practice and also use of quantitative and high-quality indicators of technology readiness level scale, including methodology for creating of aircraft technology demonstrators, will allow to reduce significantly risks during creation of the aircraft equipment.


technology demonstrator, scale of technology readiness level, complex scientific and technological project, problem-oriented project, technological project, technological advance


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