Methodology of synthesis of ultrahigh frequency matching units on nonhomogeneous loops

Antennas, SHF-devices and technologies


Kulikov S. V.1, Gudaev R. A.1*, Mikhalchenkov A. A.1, Zelenkov A. V.2, Vikulova Y. M.3**

1. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Military Academy of Aerospace Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov, 50, Zhigareva, Tver', 170000, Russia
3. Group of Companies «RTI», 10/1, 8 Marta str., Moscow, 127083, Russia



The goal of the article consists in improving the methodology of broadband matching units’ synthesis for complex loads, allowing ensure maximum of match strips spacing by employing nonhomogeneous stepped loops.

The set goal is achieved based on Kohn method allowing compute broadband matching units for complex loads on nonhomogeneous loops. The versatility of the suggested method consists in the fact that instead this method any other method, allowing compute a matching unit on homogeneous loops can be used.

This work was supported by the Grant of the President of Russian Federation.

Based on the obtained results of studying of characteristics of the broadband matching unit on nonhomogeneous loops performed using mathematical model the following inferences can be drawn:

Increasing of relative match strip width ω leads to damping reduction in a stop band. Reducing the standing wave ratio in the match strip КСТ leads to a decrease in attenuation in the stop band. Increasing the number of loops of the matching unit contributes to the increase i in the stop band. When placing a heterogeneous loop near the source, the attenuation in odd tuple bands increases, and in even tuple bans decreases. The match strip relative width increase w, stand wave ration in match strip reduction and increasing the number of loops of a broadband matching unit affects the value of match strips’ spacing, which is expressed in its reduction. Employing the five-step loops can significantly improve the characteristics of band rejection, but the characteristics in match strip are degrading.

The simulation results of the synthesized broadband matching unit on nonhomogeneous loops confirmed the principal possibility of developing physically realizable impedance matching units with an increased spacing of the parasitic match strips.


matching unit, loop


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