Manufacturing of Sheet-Metal Edge Formers of Aircraft Access Doors by Magnetic Pulse Method and Simulation Using CAD System

Automation of technological processes and production control


Astapov V. Y.1*, Khoroshko L. L.2**, Jozdani M. S.1***, Khoroshko A. L.1****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



When designing any components of various aircrafts, it is important that the designer knows the technical capabilities of the preforming and forging production, and focuses on the most advanced technology processes of their manufacture. A large number of components used in an airplane design are composed of parts made of sheet materials, which are used as edge formers. The presence of a web, edging and various elements increasing the stiffness and reducing the weight, is common for such parts. These sheet-metal parts present intricate and mainly closed forms, the manufacturing of which by methods of the plastic deforming requires rather complicated forging outfit and their finishing to the required dimensions following the deforming.

The article is concerned with a topical issue of the determination of optimal conditions of exposure to the deforming force required in the prove-out of an intricate shape forming process of edge former structures by deforming a sheet-metal workpiece with the pulsed magnet field pressure, and the simulation of this process. The process of the magnetic pulse forming makes it possible to concentrate the exposure, deforming a sheet-metal workpiece, within the range of pre-set parameters and within a specified zone, but requires a thorough adjustment of technical regimes. Recommendations are developed for the determination of the required power parameters of the sheet-metal workpiece forming process ensuring the maximum efficiency of the process that reduces the number of technological operations, the complexity and the time of manufacture of the outfit and the equipment operation.

In the theoretical solution, the improved mathematical models of the magnetic pulse deforming of the sheet material were developed with account of actual mechanical characteristics of the workpiece materials. The theoretical dependences obtained were experimentally tested on samples; the assumptions and assertions made were verified. The impact of the magnetic pulse deforming on certain properties of sheet-metal part materials was determined. The proposed new technical solutions for implementing the processes developed in practice were examined. Methods for experimental testing of the high-speed magnetic pulse forming of sheet material were developed and implemented using various moulds of complex geometric surfaces, including the material shift dynamics and the impact of the deforming on the metal characteristics, as well as special aspects of the forming and influence patterns of power parameters, processing factors and tool configuration in operation of magnetic pulse sheet-metal forming were established. The influence of the magnetic pulse deforming on mechanical and process characteristics of materials after their exposure to the pulsed magnet field pressure and forming in a mould was determined. It is found out that when applying the pulsed force action, the metal is compacted, its surface hardness is increased, and micro-fractures and porosity are eliminated, that is the quality of a metal zone deformed by the pulsed magnet field is improved. ANSYS LS-DYNA program, a multipurpose software-based multi-function system of a finite-element complex, was used for the computational investigation and simulation of the magnetic pulse forming process of edge former surfaces. When solving the problems by CAD system, the geometrics of workpieces, material specifications, and energy parameters of the magnetic pulse deforming were variated. The workpiece shift and its deformation in moulds having different profile shapes were simulated. Based on the solutions obtained and in comparison with scales of equivalents, it is possible to determine any timing-wise shift of the sheet-metal workpiece web, the final finite deformation of workpieces, any stresses arising in contact zones with forming tools during the deforming and forming.


sheet-metal edge formers of closed shape, intricate transition profiles, magnetic pulse deforming, high-speed plastic forming, computer aided design systems, solid model, three-dimensional simulation


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