Algorithms and software for competitive analysis (on the example of aerospace industry objects)

System analysis, control and data processing


Klenov E. A.

Company “Sporttehkonsalt”, 2b, Otradnaya str., build. 9, Moscow, 127273, Russia



Solving problems of the competitive analysis refers to the modern theory of decision-making. Decision makers should have necessary and sufficient information on new technologies in the industry, key competitors, potential risks, etc., as well as have time to process it and take optimal decisions.

The goal of this work is developing of competitive analysis tools that is methodical, mathematical and software systems for supporting decision-making based on global competition modeling on the major stages of the life cycle of aerospace industry high-tech products.

The article suggested for the first time an extension of the classical model of analysis of M. Porter’s five competitive forces, namely, a model of global competition. It also proposed methods for competitive strategy designing and forecasting the state of the industry markets based on of the behavior of intelligent agents, game theory and decision-making theory, methods of analysis of the competitiveness of high-tech product. Among the obtained results are the following:

  1. Developed the model of global competition in the aerospace industry. The model is characterized by introducing new forces/agents into the game: complementors and influentors. The model contains also the self-similar hierarchical market subsystems.

  2. Proposed method of competition analysis in the key stages of a product life cycle — a) scientific and technical b) technological and c) market.

  3. Developed mathematical methods of designing competitive strategies, the behavior of intelligent agents, predicting the state of the industry markets, quantitative assessment of the competitiveness of high-tech products manufacturers.

  4. Developed a software package Competiton based on the model of global competition, consisting of a support system for decision-making and automated data collection module. Also developed algorithms and special software for effective data collection and analysis.

  5. As a result of using Competition software package recommendations were developed to improve the competitiveness of the medical information systems for medical-flight examination, based on the collection and analysis of evidence of primary information sensors using biofeedback techniques. These recommendations form the basis for the creation of medical information-analytical system DigitalMed.

The developed models, algorithms and software are used for the analysis of global competition for existing businesses of the aerospace industry and has shown its effectiveness.


model of global competition, competitive analysis, intelligent agents, complementors and influentors, computer software complex


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