CIAM data bank on materials structural strength

Mathematical support and software for computers, complexes and networks


Vasilyev B. E.*, Magerramova L. A.**, Kolotnikov M. E.***, Golubovsky E. R.****, Volkov M. E.*****

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya St., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The design of a modern aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) is associated with numerous calculations of the stress-strain state, strength and dynamics of the engine components and parts. It involves several processes, including substantiation of the main components sources, certification, analysis of the defects origins detected while operation and implementation of measures that can prevent the defects occurrence. Thus, the design procedure requires a complete set of data on the structural strength (realized in the course of the design) of the materials used.

This paper presents the results of the long-term work in CIAM on the development of the database (DB) for information storage on the structural strength of the metal alloys used in manufacturing of the main and critical parts of an aviation GTE. The DB contains characteristics of a large number of materials obtained from experiments on 10000 specimens (more than 120 titles). Knowing these characteristics is necessary to perform calculations of the static strength and cyclic durability, dynamic characteristics and life of the GTE parts in a wide range of loading and operation conditions. The DB is based on the “Granta MI platform” software and consists of several sections containing reference information, experimental results, statistical processing results and characteristics for calculations. A description of the database structure, its functional capabilities and user interaction features is provided. A structure has also been developed for the DB section designed for samples made by using additive manufacturing.

The developed CIAM databank on the structural strength of materials corresponds to current global analogues and can be used by the aircraft engine industry to calculate strength and dynamics, as well as to examine defects.


data bank, metallic materials, structural strength, resource, aircraft gas turbine engines


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