Application of CAD system for simulation and study of magnetic-pulse welding of the tubular structures

CAD systems
1*, 2**, 1***, 1****1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
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Liquids and gases are widely used in aircrafts structures as energy carriers for propulsion systems, in hydraulic actuators and pneumatic boosters, and as coolants, lubricants or in pneumatic actuators to ensure vital activity of a crew and passengers. The presence of liquid and gaseous media onboard an aircraft leads to the necessity of employing piping systems. One could hardly imagine fuel and pneumatic systems of modern aircraft without pipelines and automatic equipment, regulating their delivery. At present, aircraft and helicopter pipeline systems count thousands of tubular structures joints. The aggregate length pipelines herewith is hundreds plus meters. There are various pipelines with diameters sized from units to several tens of millimeters from various materials – aluminum, titanium, steel and other alloys. The great majority of them herewith are various fixed junctions with tips, flanges or pipes between each other.
The presented article is devoted to methodology development of automated design of both aircraft pipelines structures in 3D space, including various complex pipeline structures, and modeling the process of magnetic-pulse deformation and formation of fixed junctions of pipelines between each other from homogenous and heterogeneous materials using CAD system. For this purpose a computer solid-state simulation is used together with solving the dynamic problem of junction formation while varying various structure parameters, characteristics of materials and parameters of magneto-pulse deformation.
On creating pipelines parts and further modeling of the magnetic-pulse deformation the Autodesk Invertor design environment was used. To model 3D objects which axisymmetric tubular workpieces of junction structures can be related to, various tools for geometry creation were used. While modeling the process of high speed deformation by pulsing magnetic field and formation of junctions the Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2015 program, allowing effectively try out tubular workpieces assembly with the required surface shapes, parts sizes and specified characteristics of materials, was used. This simulation of the process of connecting tubular workpieces by pressure of pulse magnetic field allows select effective modes of deformation in terms of junction quality to form the required parameters of welding in cold state in contact zones of tubular structures.
aircraft pipelines, permanent connection of heterogeneous pipes, magnetic-pulse welding, computer-aided design system, simulation of pipelines, simulation of connection formationReferences
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