Objects identification in e-model structure by identified formal parameters in the design and engineering environment

CAD systems


Lavrentyeva M. V.*, Govorkov A. S.**

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia

*e-mail: mira.amazon@gmail.com
**e-mail: govorkov_as@istu.edu


The study relates to the field of design automation and technological preparation of production in aircraft construction. The authors propose a technique for a product e-model objects’ structure identification by formalized parameters. For this purpose, the technique for contour pattern recognition, allowing identify geometric primitives bounding the surfaces, that form contours of each structural element, is employed. Thus, the necessity to develop structural geometric model of a product arises. It is necessary to identify hereafter the formal parameters of a part structure objects. The article considers the sequence of work with part’s e-model, which employs production rules, theory of sets elements, and apparatus of mathematical logic. The obtained structural and technological parameters of a part allow qualify it to a certain type, i. e. identify. Identification of a part, its structure and data on its coupling face allows define technological parameters, which structural form sets the geometrical requirements to basing. The article presents several basic rules for establishing the relation between individual parts, which can be used while a part processability evaluation, development of routes of producing and assembling, as well as technological equipment design.

Thus, recognition systems implementation will significantly increase production efficiency by structural and technological problems solution unification. It will serve as a platform for intelligent systems of decision making of various directionality within the industry, which will allow decrease the effect of human factor while decision making due to formal criteria employing. Recognition systems implementation will allow ensure competitive products’ manufacturing with product’s structure with high target manufacturing and operating processability indices. The project is based on idea of technologist’s knowledge formalization, and developing on its basis the system of decision-making support. It will allow reduce the number of errors while performing technical control of the product while production start-up, and decrease production costs due to analyzing several design solutions and selection of composition-optimal structural elements with the specified level of processability and cost. The project is flexible while adjusting, with the possibility of implementation at various machine-building enterprises.


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