Experimental data on flow in gas ejector for turbulence model verification

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Larina E. V.*, Tsipenko A. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: larinaelenav@gmail.com
**e-mail: tsipenko_av@mail.ru


Gas ejector is a convenient device for verifying mathematical models, which is based on comparison with experimental results. Advantages of flow in an ejector for a numerical experiment:

  • axial symmetry of the structure and gas feeding allows compare 1D, 2D and 3D models (mathematical models in one-, two- and three-dimensional coordinate systems) with the experiment;

  • rigid walls with known parameters;

  • a simple specification of the initial parameters of the field of gas and parameters of gas at the output;

  • various types of canonical flows in one device in different combinations (supersonic underexpanded and overexpanded jet, subsonic jet, shock reflection from the wall, supersonic and subsonic boundary layer, positive and negative pressure gradient along the wall, stationary and nonstationary separation);

  • a convenient set of experimental data for comparison with simulation results for local and integral parameters.

The authors considered a single-stage axisymmetric ejector of the classical single-nozzle design. Compressed nitrogen was employed from the balloon system with a stagnation temperature of 300 K. The article presents all necessary geometry, inlet pressure in the ejection nozzle, and the pressure sensor positions. The sensors scanning slot is 0.001 s.

Data collection system ensured the time interval of 0,001 s between the two sensor readings. The sensors error was less than 35 Pa (0.005 psi). The results of various launches were not being averaged.

One-dimensional theory comparison with the experimental data reveals that the 1D theory gives a lower (optimistic) estimation of the start-up pressure. The experiments demonstrated also that minimum level of the ejector high-frequency noise corresponds to the minimum stable pressure in the vacuum chamber.

A numerical simulation of the ejector operation for several variants of the ejecting gas pressure employing the authors’ original code based on I.Kryukov and I.Ivanov code and Godunov’s method was carried out. The vacuum chamber pressure fluctuation and the shock-train separation point displacement were obtained. A numerical experiment yields acceptable average flow parameters, but absolutely unacceptable frequency characteristics.

The presented experimental data are quite complete and suitable for turbulence model verification.

The work was supported by the RFBR grants No. 16-38-60185, No. 16-01-00444a.


gas ejector, vacuum pump, experimental data, gas jet, shock-train, separation point boundary layer, numerical simulation, Godunov's method


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