Evaluation of design decisions in the part of losses for current collection devices in the transmission of electrical energy from solar batteries

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles


Grishin A. A.*, Strugovets A. G.**

Compani «Information satellite systems of academician M.F. Reshetnev», 52, Lenin str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russia

*e-mail: grishin_aa@list.ru
**e-mail: ags24@mail.ru


This paper covers the slip ring assembly layer total resistance estimation method. This method is meant for application upon slip ring assembly design and engineering. The primary objective of this paper was to obtain the capability of slip ring layer heat dissipation simulation modelling based on the equivalent circuit.

The role of the slip ring assembly in the spacecraft electric power subsystem is considered; the basic structural elements of the assembly are described; the principles of operation of the device are explained. The major output performances of the slip ring assembly such as the voltage drop value across the layer of the slip rings and the total power dissipated on the device are defined. The process of current flow through the slip ring assembly is demonstrated. An equivalent circuit for a layer of slip ring assembly with ten contact rings is presented and reviewed in detail. The equation system for the equivalent circuit loop currents is defined. A relationship between the contact resistance and the impedance of the slip ring layer is established. Contact resistances are introduced into the system of equations. The formula of the impedance function of the layer of slip rings layer is obtained from the value of the contact resistances. The total resistance and the heat dissipation value of the slip ring layer upon nominal slip ring installation are estimated. The experimental and theoretical plots of the slip ring assembly layer impedance variation are provided for comparison. The adequacy of the assumptions taken and acceptability of the technique for practical application was validated. The analysis of contact resistance variation value versus the slip ring layer total resistance in case when the inner ring is displace versus the outer one was carried out.

The paper concludes that there is satisfactory convergence (within 4.5%) of the theoretical results with experimental data. Application of the above technique will allow predicting the slip rings heat dissipation variation during the design phase as well as to estimate their lifetime with lower costs.


power supply system, current-collecting device, ring, transient resistance, equivalent circuit


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