Present-day approach to navigation instruments design

Navigation instruments


Evstifeev M. I.*, Eliseev D. P.**

Concern «Elektropribor», 30, Malaya Posadskaya str., Saint Petersburg 197046, Russia



Computer aided design systems have been widely used in developing of various technical systems. Concern CSRI Elektropribor has a long experience employing PTC Creo Elements, which shows an effectiveness of 3D modeling employed in innovative navigation devices. It allows both increasу labor productivity and cut devices developing time by paralleling activities while working on project. Moreover, it ensures quality improvement of the systems under development, while 3D models are working well for both finite element analysis of mechanical characteristics and rapid prototyping. Thus, 3D modeling has become a design standard for gyroscopes being the most complicated navigation instruments.

At present, a high-tech manufacturing faces such a critical task as developing innovative and competitiveness products. That is why risky and challenging solutions should be applied for navigation devices design. Correctness of these solutions could be achieved in two ways: computing and prototyping. As the first way, finite element analysis is widely used around the world as non-alternating method of predictive modeling. In recent years, with advancement of additive technology, devices prototyping and, sometimes, their manufacturing is being provided by 3D printing. Highlighted sequence of design provides a systemic approach to the developing based on up-to-date technology and allows suggest the following method of navigation devices design. 1) Developing 3D models of devices’ parts and assemblies. 2) Employing finite element analysis of devices’ mechanical characteristics. 3) Rapid prototyping by additive technology. 4) Errors’ determining and correcting.

The method differs from the others by implementation of closed process “design, modeling, manufacture”, which provides improvement of products quality and labor productivity. Moreover, this method is recommended for bachelor students teaching on design basics. It contributes essential part in developing engineer skills of students



3D modeling, FEM analysis, rapid prototyping, additive technology, CAD systems


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