Propositions on the main trends of central timing system modernization for ground-based spacecraft control automated complex

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Kovalsky A. A.*, Afonin G. I.**, Tereshenko S. V.***

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



There is a need for standard time signals and frequencies in various spheres of action. The necessity for frequency and time synchronization of technological and information processes at spacecraft (SC) ground-based automated control complex (GACC) is of special topicality.

The article presents the main central timing system (CTS) modernization for SC GACC as well as specifics and perspectives of SC CTS GACC while employing data transmission channels of satellite communication system (SCS) “Primorka” and satellite radio navigational system (SRNS) GLONASS.

The object of the study is SC CTS GACC. The subject of the study are methods and means of time signals distribution.

The purpose of the study consists in increasing SC CTS GACC stability by implementation of data transmission channels of the SCS “Primorka” and the satellite radio navigational GLONASS system (SRNS).

System analysis of methods and means of time signals propagation in SC CTS GACC, and possible synchronization error sources was performed in this work.

The block diagram of SC CTS GACC creation with three-level architecture was developed. The upper level (the CTS backbone network) is between the State time references and central stations, which will meet the strict requirement on characteristics quality. The intermediate level between CTS central points and CTS peripheral stations will be connected by SCS “Pimorka”. The low level – between CTS peripheral station and a customer SC GAACC, accounting for the SC GAACC requiremetns.

Realization of the proposed three-level SC CTS GACC will allow significantly increase the SC CTS GACC stability.


central timing system, automated ground-based control system, satellite communication system, satellite radio navigational system, synchronization


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