Definition of a matrix idling cut open a non-uniform line when you change the deduction in one of the poles

Antennas, SHF-devices and technologies


Kulikov S. V.1, Shcerbakova V. M.1, Frolov A. V.2, Vikulova Y. M.3*

1. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia
3. Group of Companies «RTI», 10/1, 8 Marta str., Moscow, 127083, Russia



Determination of properties of inhomogeneous lines for use in various filters.
Is the rationale for the method of determining the matrix of idling and the equivalent circuit for an inhomogeneous segment of a line obtained from the uniform by deducting in one of the poles to study the properties of the current segment.
The equivalent circuit for the input resistance of this chetyrehpolozyj in idle in forward and reverse directions will represent the series connection of the cut of the uniform line length and paralelnogo circuit without losses. The appearance in the equivalent circuit with a negative capacitance and inductance from the physical point of view can be explained by considering a transition from segment a heterogeneous line to infinite to length non-uniform line and back.
Since all the resulting contain, as the longitudinal elements parallel to the contours without loss, we can assume that such segments inhomogeneous lines have filtering properties.Oscillations with a frequency close to ωП(in the vicinity of which is the «outrage» spectra), the load did not arrive, and for large misalignment from the resonant frequency pass through without isogeny, i.e. those segments of the inhomogeneous lines have the properties of band-limiting filters, and with a single locking strip in the vicinity of the resonance frequency with no spurious rejection bands; at multiple frequencies.
Thus, to build a narrow-band band-band-stop filter with a single band locking can be used approach to the calculation of resonator filters – the inclusion of heterogeneous cut lines on the passage, in which the formation of the desired characteristics of the working attenuation is due local reflections resulting from impedance changes in the coordinate.


inhomogeneous line, matrix idling, filters, impendans


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