Conceptual model of a spaced system for complex ballistic targets radar observation

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Ashurkov I. S.*, Leshko N. A.**, Tsybulnik A. N.***

Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia



The article describes the model of spaced radar system with uncooperative radiation sources, integrated into a set of national technical means of space-rocket machinery tests monitoring. A model based on estimation of spatial and accuracy characteristics of complex ballistic targets elements allows selecting a rational variant of implementing a set of national technical means of monitoring at the finish area of foreign missile testing grounds.

In general terms, a mathematical model of a simulation-analytical type of a spaced radar system is being represented in a form of an interrelated structure and includes models of uncooperative source of illumination, complex ballistic target and receiving site integrated to a set of national technical means of control. Potential accuracy of coordinates measuring of a complex ballistic target was computed. Сriterion of optimality was selected as an arithmetic mean of range estimation CSR. The required information zone is represented in the form of a discrete set, for which maximum possible number of the receiving site allocation variants was determined. Further, applying the direct-searching method the value of the target function is determined for each variant of the set, which meets the specified limitations. Then the variant ensuring the goal function minimum is selected. Selection of the receiving site allocation rational variant allows realize potential capabilities of the spaced radar system for complex ballistic targets detection and measuring its’ coordinates in the full.

The proposed model of spaced radar system with uncooperative radiation sources integrated into a set of national technical means of monitoring space-rocket machinery tests being carried out by foreign countries allows select rational location and direction for receiving site at the finish area of foreign missile testing grounds.


spaced radar system, uncooperative source of illumination, national technical control means


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