General approaches to management of the configuration of mechanical details

Theoretical engineering. Mechanical engineering


Kulik Y. P., Fedorov I. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Application of coprojectization technology by all participants of product life cycle, known as "parallel engineering", is the necessary condition of the product quality improvement, decrease in time and material costs. First of all it is reached by realization of the most effective administrative decisions at all stages of technical preproduction, based on fullest account of the opinions of all experts, participants of the project. Process of making up of project decisions at such approach is called as management of the product configuration.
In this work general approaches to management of the configuration of mechanical details are considered. As a final goal this configuration has the creation of the interconnected system of details' design, technological and operational documentation.


parallel engineering; configuration management; technical preproduction; working documentation

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