Solid fuel ramjet aircraft volumetric-mass configuration formation technique

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Alekseeva M. M.

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The process of the volumetric-mass configuration formation (VMC) is one of the main stages a product shape formation. With the purpose of preliminary formation of the aircraft VMC, a complex mathematical model (CMM) and software to form shape of the system “Aircraft – power unit – fuel” were developed. Unlike earlier created, this CMM represents the uniform program complex intended for formation of a technical shape of aircraft and its power unit (PU) at stages of preliminary design. It allows compute not only thrust-economic and mass-size characteristics of an aircraft, but also geometric, aerodynamic, mass-volume characteristics and trajectory parameters of an aircraft movement by standard flight programs (profiles), as well as the effect of the properties of employed fuel on them.

The distinctive feature of this model its multidisciplinary approach and adaptedness to the optimization setting of the study. It allows optimize any airplane, engine and fuel parameters and their characteristics to form an optimal technical shape of the “Aircraft – power unit – fuel” system according to the selected effectiveness criteria. It gives the possibility to form a 3D model after configuring the project of a product to obtain more detailed information on aerodynamic characteristics (ADC), mass convergence of airframe and PU, computing of the center of masses and inertia moments of a product, preparing for 3D numerical modeling using the programs of 3D gas dynamic computation etc. The built-in universal model for computing equilibration thermodynamic characteristics of any gas mixture with account for K-phase allows evaluate effectiveness of application of this or that fuel for the given system. It expands greatly the abilities of both parametric and at optimization studies at various criteria. Dialog interface allows making changes in the project data and view the results in real time mode. It also provides availability of databases on starting and cruise solid fuels, structural materials and thermal-protective coating materials, ADC and characteristics of air-intake device which are updated daily and can be employed for the VMC formation.

Realization was performed by modern programming languages Fortran-95, Delphi and Win 32 API, using dynamic DLL technology. Verification of CMM is based on verification of the system model elements and on comparing the system criteria to real samples. With the help of this CMM, a number studies was performed to shape the “Aircraft–power unit–fuel” system.


mathematical model, aircraft, ramjet, engine, solid fuel


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