Dynamic state of aviation products structures with weld junctions

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles


Zareckiy M. V.*, Sidorenko A. S.**

Izhevsk Electromechanical plant "KUPOL", 3, Pesochnaya str., Izhevsk, 426033, Russia

*e-mail: iemz@kupol.ru
**e-mail: k906@mai.ru


The reliability of aviation products structures depends on vibration intensity acting while joint flight of the product with carrier aeroplane and causing significant stress levels. The highest stress level is observed in the zones of structural irregularities (junctions and abrupt changes of cross-sections). Thus, the problem of credible determining of vibration characteristics in the product structure in the zones of irregularity under operation conditions is topical. At the same time, experimental studies of vibrations in the zones of jointing and irregularities are rather labor consuming and costly.

The article presents the methodology and results of numerical models development and calculated estimation data of vibration characteristics of an aviation product structure containing continuous weld junctions. Modeling of dynamic state of an aviation product was performed employing the system of solid-state modeling and complex structures design SolidWorks. Models developed employing solid finite elements allow account for structural irregularity, and estimate characteristics of components of spatial local deformation.

Based on the developed models, dynamic characteristics of a product structure and vibration acceleration characteristics at random kinematic loading for various variants of weld junctions were determined. Spectral densities and accelerations distribution dispersion in various points of the structure were plotted. Zones of maximum accelerations levels were determined corresponding to the conditions of joint flight with a carrier airplane. Significant effect of weld joint characteristics on the vibration acceleration levels of the product structure was registered.

The developed methodology can be applied to estimate characteristics of dynamic state of frames and structural components of aviation products suspensions at various weld joint characteristics and specified conditions of random loading.


dynamic state, weld joint, random vibrations, finite element method, vibratiun acceleration, spectral density


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