Methodological aspects of burning process experimental research in combustion chambers of gas-turbine engines

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Isaev A. I.*, Skorobogatov S. V.**

Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, (MSTUCA), 3, Kommunarov str., Irkutsk, 664047, Russia



Air-fuel mixture burning is a complex physical-chemical process, which can conventionally considered as fuel spraying, its evaporation, mixing with air, and air-fuel mixture ignition and burning, where all these processes occur simultaneously for the most part. With this, for the most part all these processes occur simultaneously, and until now there is no universal technique allowing account for all details of the phenomena under study while their mathematical modeling. Besides, apart from physical-chemical processes, the phenomena associated with streams gas dynamics are of great importance for the analysis. While spraying, liquid fuel is crushed into small droplets. The average diameter of these droplets stipulate the surface area, affecting thereby the liquid heating and its subsequent evaporation and mixing with air. The fuel combustion efficiency in its turn is determined by the composition of the fuel-air mixture, as well as organization of ignition and combustion of this mixture in the combustion chamber. With regard to the complexity of these processes and their interaction with each other, full-scale experiment is still an integral part of combustion chambers designing.

The goal of this article is to study the methodological aspects of modelling the processes in real combustion chamber, which occur in one and the same time interval. At the stage of full-scale experiments on the combustion process study, a number of difficulties associated with the nature of the phenomena under study occur. So, while a fuel-air mixture burning in the combustion chamber, the boundary between the combustion and mixing zones is of rather conditional character. Thereby, it makes it impossible to consider the processes occurring in these zones separately one from each other.

The authors proposed the design of the chamber’s test bench, allowing split the combustion and the mixing zones. Also the technique for overcoming limitations of measuring equipment while fuel-air mixture reached stoichiometric composition was considered.


chamber test bench, experimental research, combustion chamber, harmful substances emission


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