Upgrade of monitoring instruments for aircraft liquid systems condition by industrial purity parameters

Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation
*, **Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
*e-mail: ramon90@bk.ru
**e-mail: 79507645942@yandex.ru
Solution to the problem of ensuring industrial cleanliness of the aircraft fluid systems’ and components’ working cavity allows significantly reduce the consumption of liquids; improve the reliability and service life of onboard equipment in aircraft operation; reduce the time spent on aircraft maintenance and repair, as well as the complexity of the production, repair and maintenance. This presents a significant gap in the implementation of the control of the contamination level of the working cavity side of the liquid systems.
For complex spatial geometry of the internal cavities of the aircraft liquid systems, relevant regulations stipulate the implementation of indirect control of pollution by changing the concentration of the contaminants resulting from the controlled VSA of the liquid. In these conditions, the procedure for fluid sampling for subsequent system analysis is of special importance.
Simulation results confirmed experimental studies demonstrating the unpredictability of the contaminant particle distribution over the cross section of the pipeline at various points in time with the same specified initial conditions. It indicates the impossibility of guaranteeing the reliability of the liquid sample at its point or slot selection.
To improve reliability of the fluid sample technical solutions for sampling devices that implement two methods of selecting a volume and a point of fluid sampling were developed:
– the full flow sampling device provides volumetric sampling, maximally identical to the analytical control, from which it was originated, designed for ground maintenance of an aircraft,
– the sampling device of a needle-type point ensures isokinetic sampling, constructively, with minimal weight and size parameters in a normalized embedded rebar elements of aircraft pipeline systems, intended for placement directly in on-board systems.
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