Studying the safe flight termination ballistic scheme of manned transport spacecraft engine module

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Kudryavtsev S. I.

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



The problem of safe flight termination organization for engine module (EM) of a prospective manned transport spacecraft (MTS) in the case of descent from the Earth’s artificial satellite orbit and high-precision landing of reentry module (RM) on Russian territory is considered. In MTS project the reboost of EM after its separation from RM after MTS deorbitation is planned in order to provide its orbital life-time on several orbits. Then EM will be deboosted for drowning its unburned elements of structure (UES) in desert area in the South of Pacific. Such a scenario of MTS descent will eliminate the possibility of damage for the population and objects of ground infrastructure near RM landing site. The features of EM reboost maneuver to ensure UES drowning in permitted region are studied. As a result elliptic pre-descent EM orbit has a very adverse position of perigee relatively the target drowning area. So, additional fuel consumption for reliable EM UES srowning will be required. The features of EM descent from elliptic pre-descent orbit are also analyzed. Dependence of longitudinal size of UES drowning points dispersion area (SPDA) vs deorbiting delta-V value is given. The purpose of trajectory design consists in selecting minimum delta-V then SPDA is still inside of permitted area borders. Elliptic profile of EM pre-descent orbit causes a specific effect of some disturbances such as engine thrust uncertainty to the total SPDA size. This study permits to determine the way to decrease SPDA size for the same fuel consumption. Fuel consumption for EM safe flight termination including fuel for EM reboost and final deorbiting is estimated. Scenarios of MTS descent for the cases of RM landing in various regions of Russia are given.


prospective manned spacecraft, engine module, safe flight termination, drowning of structural elements


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