Analysis of Attitude Reference System Accuracy versus Rotation Angle Sensor Errors

Navigation instruments


Liang Q. 1*, Litvinenko Y. A.2, Stepanov O. A.2

1. ITMO University, 49, Kronverkskiy av , St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia
2. Concern «Elektropribor», 30, Malaya Posadskaya str., Saint Petersburg 197046, Russia



At present, various methods of compensation for errors in orientation systems and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) based on the rotation modulation technique are widely used. This method can enhance the autonomy of orientation system and navigation system and allows the system to operate for a long time even on relatively coarse sensors.

The data processing problem of attitude and heading reference system based on rotation modulation technique is studied in this article. A novel orientation system consisting of two micromechanical IMUs mounted on two separate rotary platforms with orthogonal axes is proposed. It can improve attitude system performance while reducing requirements for external sensors. This structure allows estimate errors of angular rate sensors without dynamic motion model of the object and any other external information. Though, in this case, the accuracy of the orientation system under consideration depends not only on the IMU measurement errors, but also on the encoder measurement errors of the angular positions of the platforms.

The error of the angle sensor consists of two components: constant and random error. Based on covariance analysis, the accuracy of the gyroscope errors was estimated employing various error level of angle sensors. It has been proved that the constant error component of the angle sensor has the same effect as misalignment angles, and the random error component affects the accuracy of the orientation system in the way similar to gyro measurement noise. The resulting data is very useful for designing the attitude and heading reference system based on two units of micromechanical gyroscopes, especially for selecting the type of micromechanical gyroscopes and angle measurement sensors.


micromechanical unit, modulation rotation, orientation system, angle sensors errors


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