Frequency spectrum synthesizers in radio electronic systems

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Krikov D. S.

Central Scientific Research Radiotechnical Institute name of the academician A.I. Berg, 20, Novaya Basmannaya, 105066, Russia



Frequency synthesizers (FS) find wide application in modern radio electronic systems (RES), such as mobile communications, precision measuring devices, radar and radio navigation systems. The development of new and promising RES as well as the outdated radio engineering systems modernization requires more advanced, in terms of technical parameters, FSs. The article examines mobile devices, measuring equipment, radio direction-finders and transceiver modules. A structural diagram, technical data on the capabilities of the device and an analysis of its operation are presented for each type of devices. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are to be made on the method of frequency synthesis, FS quantitative and qualitative characteristics, and trends for their improvement. In the field of mobile communications, engineers are trying to reduce weight, size and power consumption of microcircuits being a part of mobile devices, including the FS chip. Qualitative development of measuring devices requires time reduction of frequency tuning of the FS to the microsecond-nanosecond range. Radar systems require not only high speed, but also low levels of spectral components and phase noise of the FS. For radar systems employing active phased array antennas the critical parameters of FS are weight, size, power consumption and cost. The current level of FS based on digital phase-locked loop (PLL) with integer or fractional frequency division factor, digital direct synthesis and hybrid structures does not allow achieving high values of certain FS parameters, without degrading the other.


frequency spectrum synthesizer, position finger, transceiver modules, signal spectrum analyzer, vector analyzer of circuits


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