Models for performance evaluation of a variant of fast search device over code sequence ensemble delay

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Mikhaylov V. Y.*, Vitomsky E. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Considered are async-targeted and control-measurement aerospace systems using complex coded signals. This work is devoted to the creation of models for performance estimation of the processing method and delay acquisition devices based on fast conversions.

The use of a variety of simplified methods and search algorithms are limited when limited observation time and high requirements to synchronization reliability and accuracy. The solution based on principles and mathematical models developed by the authors: principle of the fast conversions in Galois fields, algebraic model and structure of the delay acquisition device of the subclass code sequences. Key features of the processing method are receiving “in General” in two stages and accumulation of the symbols of the set synchronized by the delay of short sequences, which generated by the samples of the initial code sequence. Usually adopted buffering the implementation phase detection not used in the present embodiment search schema, which is usually required when performing other fast transformations methods.

Two search schemes are considered: an optimal and two-stage quasi-optimal scheme with a detector in the first search stage. Two channel models for different modes of operation of the schemes are constructed. They are makes it possible to choose the detectors threshold. Event model for these schemes built to their performance estimation. Based on these models analytical estimates of loss time to search were obtained. The developed two-stage quasi-optimal scheme version slightly loses on time in relation to the optimal scheme. This allowed us to justify increases energy efficiency of two-stage quasi-optimal scheme with a detector in the first search stage.


asynchronous-address systems, performance estimation, delay acquisition, Galois fields, fast conversions


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