Ensuring technological and performance characteristics of products from titanium alloys by method of acoustical emission

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Remshev E. Y.*, Danilin G. A., Titov A. V.**, Ermolenkov P. A.***

Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia

*e-mail: Remshev@mail.ru
**e-mail: sapreu@yandex.ru
***e-mail: sfot96@gmail.com


The article analyses the possibility of employing a method of acoustical emission for revealing external and internal defects in metal parts, and predicting relaxational properties of mechanisms’ elastic elements while static, dynamic and cyclic loading in the course of long-term operation.

Method of acoustic emission (AE) is the most promising non-destructive method for disk spring quality control. It allows detecting various defects in the products under the workload and predict stability (or instability) of performance indicators, including propensity to relaxation.

Elastic elements and springs of different purpose are widely used in various mechanisms, such as shock absorbers, energy storage devices and actuators, operating under complex cyclic conditions under dynamic and conditionally static loading. The VT23 titanium alloy microstructure evaluation criteria based on the level of acoustic emission signals were established either.

The regularities of acoustic emission signals level changing depending on the defects presence and development, relaxational withstandability and microstructure of disk springs made of spring steel and titanium alloy at the stage of their fabrication and pre-operational testing were established based on the experimental studies. The VT23 titanium alloy microstructure evaluation criteria based on the level of acoustic emission signals were established as well.

Two-factor mathematical prediction model for relaxation disk springs (made of 60S2A steel or VT23 titanium alloy) stability prediction depending on the level of acoustic emission signals level at the stage of gripping in the course of long-term operation was constructed.

Recommendations on practical application of the research findings were developed, and scientifically substantiated method for disk springs of steel and titanium alloys relaxational strength predicting was designed based on the established regularities.


titanium alloys, acoustic emission, relaxational withstandability, disk springs


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