The study of hydraulic characteristics of a model gel-like substance based on carbohydrates

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Bogdanovich A. B.*, Polyakov V. A., Volkov E. N.

Corporation Moscow Institute for Heat Technology, 10, Beryozovaya alleya St., Moscow, 127273, Russia



In this article, an experimental study of the flow of a model gel-like substance consisting of hydrocarbons is carried out. The gel-like substance is used in the supply systems of advanced aircraft. The main task of the study is obtaining dependence volumetric flow rate of the model gel-like substance fr om a supply pressure and a temperature.

The dynamic viscosity of the model gel-like substance is 100 Pa·s at the temperature of + 5ºС.

The main equipments for an experiment are a displacement device of piston-type and a universal testing machine. Experiments were carried out with the model gel-like substance in the temperature range of + 3ºС... + 35ºС.

The graphs of the dependence volumetric flow rate of the gel-like substance from the supply pressure were based on the experimental data obtained.

Empirical dependences of the volumetric flow rate on the supply pressure and the temperature of the model gel-like substance were obtained.

The volumetric flow rate of the model gel-like substance is described by a power-law:

QD = kT ⋅ µ ⋅ Fnz ⋅ (ρD/98066,5)n,

wh ere kТ = f (TН) – is an empirical coefficient that takes into account the dependence of the viscosity of the model gel-like substance on the temperature, m / s;

m – a consumption coefficient of the throttle, –;

Fnz – a minimum area of an orifice throttle, m2;

pD – the supply pressure, Pa;

n – an exponent, –.

As a result of the work methodological approach was proposed and a methodology for the calculation and experimental determination of the flow characteristics of the model gel-like substance that imitate the viscosity and a composition of gel-like fuels was developed. The error in determining flow characteristics of gel-like substances does not exceed 1%.

Empirical dependences of the volumetric flow rate from the supply pressure for the model gel-like substance were defined in the temperature range from + 3ºС to + 35ºС and the supply pressure from 0.02 MPa to 6 MPa. A discrepancy of experimental and empirical dependences is not higher than 6%.

The dependence of the volumetric flow rate on the supply pressure is a power-law. The nature of equation changes depending on the viscosity of the substance.


model gel-like substance, displacement device of a piston-type, throttle, viscosity, tempera


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