Fault localization model in the unmanned aerial vehicle control system equipment employing a flexible in-flight functioning algorithm

System analysis, control and data processing


Morozov D. V.*, Chermoshentsev S. F.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia

*e-mail: i_am_morozov@mail.ru
**e-mail: sapr@kai.ru


The authors developed a model of fault localization of the onboard test and control equipment of the unmanned aerial vehicle control system while its self-control. The model is represented in a graph form. The graph is a polytochomic decision tree. The graph vertices reflect the functional composition of combinatorial subsets of elements (KPI) in elementary self-tests, in controlled and suspicious situations, PDA and efficiency. KPIs and their taken decisions are based on the results of inspections and the functional KPI membership. Arcs are the probability of the states and events transition. Such graph structure allows solve the problems associated with carrying out the appropriate self-calibration (ES), in case of failure localization in the on-board control-checking equipment.

Expressions for the false rejection probability and the on-board checkout equipment false failure detection probability are obtained. They allow solve the problem of determining the optimum depth of failure localization, with account for elementary self-tests intersection and applying a flexible operation algorithm in-flight, and solve the final task of intended application. The analytical equations obtained in general form for the corresponding decisions account for states of functional components, such as on-board checkout equipment, self-monitoring systems, the fault suspected area of elements, the controlled area of the elements, and the controlled area of the elements changing process.

While the next elementary self-test performing employing a mathematical model, a loss matrix is constructed, and the false rejection of the remaining elementary self-tests from the suspected region of elements is estimated. As a loss we consider the probability of false rejection by the onboard control and checking equipment of an unmanned aerial vehicle by the elementary self-test performed, selected from the elementary self-tests area, covering the suspected fault region of elements combinatorial subsets.


controlled area of elements, failure suspected area of elements, self-control, false rejection probability, false rejection probability, combinatorial subsets of elements, elementary operation, control system, unmanned aerial vehicle


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