Application of experiments planning theory methods for flawlessness evaluation of aircraft engine fuel system units

Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation


Zavyalik I. I.*, Fetisov E. V.**, Trofimchuk M. V.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



Theoretical and experimental studies, conducted at the present-day stage of domestic aviation development revealed that at the interaction of the aircraft fuel system elements and units with aviation fuel, complex physic-chemical processes, affecting technical state level of both separate units and the fuel system in general and as a consequence aircraft fault-free operation, were running.

In this connection, the problems of the aircraft fuel systems flawlessness improvement and development of new, more sophisticated methods of its evaluation seem relevant.

While aircraft operation a great number of random external and internal factors affect the of the fuel system units of the aircraft engine. It is impossible however to evaluate all these factors effect on functioning of the fuel system units of the aircraft engine.

To solve this problem, a complete factor experiment on the central compositional rotational-order plan of the second order has been carried out.

Application of the developed mathematical model while studying the of fuel system aggregates reliability with the expansion of the ranges of values of input parameters (external factors) and internal parameters of the system (fuel engine system aggregates) allows obtain a reliable estimate of the failure-free operation level of the fuel system aggregates.


failure-free operation, aviation fuel, unit, full factor experiment


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