Distribution technique of observation facilities fields of vision in the area of responsibility

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Gorbulin V. I.*, Khodor M. A.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
**e-mail: khodorvvv@mail.ru


The article substantiates the proposal multi-channel panoramic optoelectronic means application for the air situation monitoring. The task on the fields of view distribution of the surveillance facilities in the area of responsibility was set. The article describes the specifics of algorithms building for the field of observation of a panoramic optical-electronic devices, depending on the form of fundamental of the of accommodation centers lattice of the fields of view of elements of the monitoring tools.

The described technique allows determine the best of all considered structure of photosensitive elements’ fields of view allocation and dimensions required for it at specified number of photosensitive elements and the size of area of responsibility. Analysis of computation results performed for various correlations of zone of responsibility size of fields of vision of observation facilities and different photosensitive elements number revealed the absence of the best lattice options. Hence, there is a need to automate the development of the best version of the lattice and calculate the parameters of the Dirichle region. This conclusion indicates the relevance of the presented algorithm.

Visual analysis of the options graphical representation of for covering the panoramic optical-electronic means area of responsibility suggests a certain redundancy of the panoramic optical-electronic means’ area of vision, which leads to the diversion of resources to control the space outside the designated area and, also to a decrease in efficiency as a result. With account for the potential range of he considered air objects detection and the their speeds range, efficiency is one of the critically important parameters, and in conditions of military operations it requires elimination or maximum possible reduction of all negative factors.

To eliminate the indicated disadvantage, the article proposed to optimize the coating by the fundamental parallelogram deformation. The comparison of the values of the coating coefficients obtained by two methods reveals the advantage of the technique, using deformation among the overriding options of the lattice of 12%.


area of responsibility, field of view, the fundamental parallelogram, the area of the Dirichle, coverage ratio


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