Numerical simulation of argon plasma interaction with carbon sample of thermal-protective coating

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Savitskiy D. V.*, Aksenov A. A.**, Zhluktov S. V.***

Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, Izhorskaya str., Moscow, 125412, Russia



Real picture of physico-chemical processes around a hypersonic vehicle is extremely complex. While air deceleration in the head shock wave, almost all kinetic energy of the approach flow transforms into internal energy. This leads to the air heating up to high temperature (tens of thousands degrees) right behind the shock wave, which, further, subsides, while approaching the vehicle due to endothermic reactions of dissociation and ionization. As a result, the flow of multicomponent thermochemical non-equilibrium gas mixture forms in the shock layer. Interaction of the heated gas with the thermal heat shield of the vehicle initiates numerous additional interrelated processes. They are heterogeneous chemical reactions at the vehicle surface, homogeneous chemical reactions with participation of the heat shield destruction products, conjugate heat exchange between the gas and heat shield, non-stationary coating heating. The necessity to describe these processes leads to significant complication of mathematical model. The model of the hot gas interaction with the thermal shield is defined by the coating type.

The article presents a complex mathematical model describing the hot gas mixture flow near a hypersonic vehicle, mass entrainment from the vehicle surface, the ablation products effect on the processes proceeding in the gas phase, the heat shield heating, and the vehicle surface shape changing The model is not too complex. It was developed for systematic engineering calculations of the hypersonic flows near real vehicles.

The 3D flow of argon plasma around a carbon sample of a heat shield is simulated. The conditions are corresponding to the experiment performed at the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS. It is assumed, that sublimation is the main mechanism of the sample ablation. Calculations were performed with the FlowVision software. The article presents the simulation results. The numerical modeling results are compared with the experimental data. The difference between the computed and experimental values of the mass loss rate is found to be within the experimental error.


hypersonic flying vehicle, thermal-protective coating, plasma, ablation, numerical simulation, Navier-Stokes equations


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