Computational and experimental studies of high-speed wings for advanced long-haul aircraft

Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles


Bolsunovskii A. L.*, Buzoverya N. P., Skomorokhov S. I.**, Chernyshev I. L.***

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



The article presents the description of a design technique and results of the study of two high-speed wings of the long haul aircraft thematic models. Two values of the cruise Mach number were considered: quite mustered in the world practice M = 0.85, and near transonic one M = 0.9. The wing for M = 0.85 has a sweep of χ1/4 = 32.7° and average relative thickness of t/c=11.2%, while for the more high-speed wing the sweep was increased up to χ1/4=38.5°, and the relative thickness was reduced to `t/c =9.5%, which was comparable to the B-747 wing parameters.

The wings were being designed using the aerodynamic design technique developed by the authors, which employs direct and inverse methods of computational aerodynamics, as well as optimization procedures. The design is performed in three stages. At the first stage, the initial geometry of the wing is selected according to the available data from the prototypes. An the second stage, it is being modified by solving the inverse problem with a given favorable pressure distribution at the main cruise flight mode. The specified pressure distribution is selected by the designer so as to minimize the wave drag (to weaken or even eliminate the shock waves), profile drag (to weaken strong pressure gradients and eliminate flow separations) and induced drag (to provide close to the elliptical load distribution over the span). Finally, the third stage commences a multi-criterion optimization procedure intended to expand the range of flight modes with minimal drag losses.

The thematic models were tested in TSAGI’s transonic wind tunnel T-106M both at cruise speeds and at low Mach number M = 0.2. The tests confirmed that the developed wings indeed ensure the achieving of the design cruise Mach number of M = 0.85 and M = 0.9 correspondingly and may be recommended for prospective long haul aircraft layout developing.


aerodynamic shape design, high-speed wing, long haul airliner, wind tunnel tests of an aircraft model


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