Measuring deformation fields of panels suffering impact damages with videogrammetry method

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Zharenov I. A.*, Kulesh V. P.**, Kuruliuk K. A.***

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



While operation the aircraft structures are subjected to mechanical, thermal, acoustic and other loadings, which lead to their forms changes, i.e. deformation. Normal functioning of such objects depends on adequate response of the structure to the external impacts. One of the most important factors affecting the strength, survivability and safety of aircraft engineering objects is the impact damage of the skin.

The processes associated with impact damage to the skin are of great interest in the studies of the aircraft of structural elements strength. The processes associated with the skin impact damage are of great interest while studying the strength of the aerial vehicle structure. To develop structures stable to the impact damages and forecasting possible changes of their functional and strength characteristics the studies based on computational methods are employed and new models are created. However, these models and techniques require experimental verification and confirmation. The impact damages peculiarity consists in significant three-dimensionality of the skin normal deformation. Thus, deformation distribution fields measuring with high point density is necessary for mathematical models correct verification. The optical method of videogrammetry (VGM) is one of the prospective methods for such measurements.

The presented article offers the application of the optical method of videogrammetry for non-contact measuring of the residuaal deformation fields of the skin while impact damages inflicting. A measuring technique employing a single digital camera was developed.

Testing of a series of panels of aircraft structures from aluminum alloy was performed. The root-mean-square error of measurements of normal deviations of points on the dents’ surface up to 7mm depth did not exceed 0.01 mm.

It was demonstrated, that the measurements with high points density by the VGM method opens possibility to determine the shape and volume of the dent, which allowed verify the finite element model of the impact damage more completely.


non-contact measurements, videogrammetry method, deformation fields, normal deformations, impact damages


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