Analysis and control of technical risk levels at various lifecycle stages of helicopters

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Andreev D. V.

National Helicopter Center Mil & Kamov, 26/1, Garshina str., Tomilino, Moscow region, 140070, Russia



The article analyzes the problem of ensuring a helicopter flight safety at its design stage. As a criterion of the degree of safety estimation the notion “risk”, being spread on the functioning of a complex technical object is used. The author suggests solving the problem of flight safety provision using the “acceptable risk concept”. Unlike the existing risk assessment model bearing exceptionally statistical character, the proposed approach provides not only risk assessment, but also risk management through the implementation of special measures. These may include, for example, a limitation on the operating conditions of the helicopter and / or additional technical procedures during its operation.

The methodological basis for risk assessment is the fail-safe tolerance analysis, which shows the ability of the system (or helicopter as a whole) to ensure the safe completion of the flight in the expected operating conditions in the event of a failure onboard. It allows determine the reliability of systems and helicopter as a whole. In case of their inconsistency to the specified requirements, the analysis of fail-safe systems allows solve the problems of optimizing the architecture of the helicopter systems as far back as at the design stage. The analysis results can also be used for planning the periodicity and preparation of works on maintenance and repair of the helicopter, or transferrring certain systems for maintenance according to “their actual state”. Such technique will allow minimize technical risks at all stages of the helicopter life cycle, i.e. from the development stage to the operation stage of the serial aircraft.

The article presents classification of the failures consequences and describes the risk assessment process using the risk matrix. On the example of designing a system for indicating the main rotor rotations, the article demonstrates the possibility of selecting the optimal design variant by the fail-safe criteria.


flight safety, risk, fail-safe analysis, lifecycle, reliability, maintenance


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