Obtaining an equation for computing profile losses in a blade row of axial turbine while design calculation
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
*, **, ***, ****Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: oleg.v.baturin@gmail.com
**e-mail: kolmakova.daria@gmail.com
***e-mail: popov@ssau.ru
****e-mail: valeriym2008@rambler.ru
The article proposes a method for reliability evaluation of losses models based on statistical analysis of deviation of experimental data from calculated. It showed that those deviations are subjected to the normal distribution law, and could be described by the value of mathematical expectation and mean-square deviation .
The values of profile losses were calculated by five well-known models for 170 various axial turbines cascades, representing the diversity of turbines employed in aircraft gas turbine engines. The findings were being compared with the experimental data. The results of comparison were subjected to statistical analysis. It was found, that the best model describing the profile losses in axial turbines was the model developed in the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (Russia). It allows calculate the profile losses deviating from the actual values of losses by 8 ± 84% with a probability of 95%.
With account for the above mentioned statistical criteria, a new equation was proposed based on the analysis of the profile losses’ nature and employing mathematical optimization techniques. This equation opens the possibility of defining the profile losses of an axial turbine more accurately than by the use of the studied models. It allows calculate the profile loss values in the axial turbine deviating from the actual values of losses by 10±61% with a probability of 95%. This new proposed equation accounts for more geometric and operational factors affecting the losses value.
axial turbine, profile losses, mathematical statistics, modelReferences
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