Laser ignition of oxygen-methane fuel in a combustion chamber

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Rebrov S. G.1*, Golubev V. A.1**, Lozino-Lozinskaya I. G.2***, Pozvonkov D. M.2****

1. State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”, Moscow, Russia
2. Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia



The article presents the results of the studies on the main regularities of laser ignition of an oxygen-methane gaseous fuel in a combustion chamber. A small-sized laser was installed directly on the mixing head with radiation leading-in along the axis of the chamber. The ignition was performed by initiating a spark of optical breakdown while radiation focusing in the fuel mixture volume. Mixture formation in the combustion chamber was provided by six coaxial-jet nozzles and typical for many modern liquid-fuel rocket engines operating on fuel components oxygen-hydrogen, oxygen-methane.

The studies of laser ignition specifics were performed in two directions. The first direction was determination of laser ignition possibility depending on the parameters of the fuel mixture. With this,the effect of feeding sequence of fuel components and characteristics of the mixture (pressure and flow rate) on the laser ignition possibility and ignition character were studied. The order of the components feeding was set by the control commands of the test bench. The output nozzles with various critical sections were employed for changing the flow velocity and pressure of the mixture components in the combustion chamber. The second direction of the research was studying the effect of the location of the initiation region of a spark of optical breakdown on the ignition reliability. For this purpose, lenses providing the laser radiation focusing at various distances from the mixing head plane were employed.

Final recommendations for both combustion chamber and laser ignition system characteristics selection, ensuring reliable ignition when radiation introduction into the chamber from the mixing head along the chamber axis, were given based on the results of the performed work and the obtained regularities.


laser ignition, combustion chamber, LPRE, oxygen-methane, axial input


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