Application of the clock mode to the propulsion system for a spacecraft high-precision orbital maneuvering and reorientation

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Glushkov A. V., Ulybyshev S. Y.*

Central Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, 16a, ul. Nagatinskaya, Moscow, 115487, Russia



The article sets forth the possibility of a clock mode operation of the propulsion system to solve effectively the problem of the spacecraft center of mass travel, as well as controlled rotation around it. Configuration of the propulsion system consisting of two triples of nominally equal liquid rocket engines with opposite directions of the resulting thrust vector located uniformly on the circumference of a given radius is under consideration. The said design solution allows effective fuel consumption to move the center of mass in space, and in conjunction with the mode of clock operation used to control the engine, ensured the high accuracy of the pulse. While the spacecraft reorienting, this algorithm allows make reversals and guidance of the selected axis in a specified direction, minimizing herewith the total increment of the characteristic speed, which leads to a linear movement of the center of mass, as well as parrying the growth of the kinetic moment along all three central axes of the spacecraft.

The article presents the description of the algorithm for the mode of clock operation of the propulsion system, as well as the results of mathematical modeling, confirming its performance and ensuring all the stated requirements. It was shown, that the problem of guidance and retention of the spacecraft selected axis in a specified direction was realized with minimum fuel consumption, and the linear travel of the center of mass was practically nonexistent. This are necessary conditions for the effective application of liquid-propellant rocket engines for a spacecraft reorientation, and this is highly demanded in practice.


spacecraft, propulsion system, liquid-propellant rocket engine, control algorithm, clock mode, thrust average level, parrying kinetic moment accumulation


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